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/ EnigmA Amiga Run 1999 March / EnigmA AMIGA RUN 35 (1999)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1999-03].iso / earkit / mail / thor / thor25_arexx.lha / FSE / Insult.fse < prev    next >
Text File  |  1995-09-06  |  2KB  |  59 lines

  1. /* 52 <-change this number to the line containing the end-of-comment, '* /'
  2. artless         base-court      apple-john
  3. bawdy           bat-fowling     baggage
  4. beslubbering    beef-witted     barnacle
  5. bootless        beetle-headed   bladder
  6. churlish        boil-brained    boar-pig
  7. cockered        clapper-clawed  bugbear
  8. clouted         clay-brained    bum-bailey
  9. craven          common-kissing  canker-blossom
  10. currish         crook-pated     clack-dish
  11. dankish         dismal-dreaming clotpole
  12. dissembling     dizzy-eyed      coxcomb
  13. droning         doghearted      codpiece
  14. errant          dread-bolted    death-token
  15. fawning         earth-vexing    dewberry
  16. fobbing         elf-skinned     flap-dragon
  17. froward         fat-kidneyed    flax-wench
  18. frothy          fen-sucked      flirt-gill
  19. gleeking        flap-mouthed    foot-licker
  20. goatish         fly-bitten      fustilarian
  21. gorbellied      folly-fallen    giglet
  22. impertinent     fool-born       gudgeon
  23. infectious      full-gorged     haggard
  24. jarring         guts-griping    harpy
  25. loggerheaded    half-faced      hedge-pig
  26. lumpish         hasty-witted    horn-beast
  27. mammering       hedge-born      hugger-mugger
  28. mangled         hell-hated      joithead
  29. mewling         idle-headed     lewdster
  30. paunchy         ill-breeding    lout
  31. pribbling       ill-nurtured    maggot-pie
  32. puking          knotty-pated    malt-worm
  33. puny            milk-livered    mammet
  34. qualling        motley-minded   measle
  35. rank            onion-eyed      minnow
  36. reeky           plume-plucked   miscreant
  37. roguish         pottle-deep     moldwarp
  38. ruttish         pox-marked      mumble-news
  39. saucy           reeling-ripe    nut-hook
  40. spleeny         rough-hewn      pigeon-egg
  41. spongy          rude-growing    pignut
  42. surly           rump-fed        puttock
  43. tottering       shard-borne     pumpion
  44. unmuzzled       sheep-biting    ratsbane
  45. vain            spur-galled     scut
  46. venomed         swag-bellied    skainsmate
  47. villainous      tardy-gaited    strumpet
  48. warped          tickle-brained  varlot
  49. wayward         toad-spotted    vassal
  50. weedy           unchin-snouted  whey-face
  51. yeasty          weather-bitten  wagtail
  52. */
  53. max = compress(word(sourceline(1), 2), ' '||'/'||'*') - 1
  54. a = word(sourceline(random(2,max,time(s))), 1)
  55. b = word(sourceline(random(2,max,time(s))), 2)
  56. c = word(sourceline(random(2,max,time(s))), 3)
  57. INSERTINPUT 'You' a b c'!'
  58. exit